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Simple search ▪ Advanced search
Open Monday til Friday from 11:00 to 17:00
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Hints: 1. Use the A-Z button to search for keywords. --- 2. Use * to substitute the ending of word. --- 3. Titlees from before 1993 (non-digitalised) can be accessed via the physical catalogue.
All fields
All fields are queried.
Truncation: Use * to substitute any number of lettres. Use ? to substitute one letter only.
- Example: slave* retrieves slaves, slavery etc.
- Example: afri?a retrieves Afrika as well as Africa
Tips to search field: All fields
Enter individual words of the title (without punctuation marks).
Too many results? Either narrow your search parameters or search for the exact title in "Advanced Search" (titelindex A-Z)
Tips to search field: Title
Search for titles authored by a person. Enter names as "last name, first name(s)".
Names may be truncated using *
We suggest using the list of names!
To search for titles about a person, use the "Advanced Search".
Tips to search field: Author
Use this to search for topics and keywordss.
To search for keywords, use the index.
Enter a search term in the search field (top right) and click "go to". Click a keyword to use it in the query.
Refine your search using higher or lower-level terms (click "systematic")
Tips to search field: Subjects
Journal / Series
Enter the full periodical title (omitting any articles such as "the").
Titles may be truncated using *
We suggest using the A-Z button! This also returns entries with the addition (Bestand). These allow you to see the issues hold by the library, and links to electronic versions.
Tips to search field: Journal / Series
You may search for a specific year (e.g. 2011) or a period ("bis").
Example: 2010 bis 2015
Use this to limit results to recent publications.
Tips to search field: Year
Enter a language from the A-Z index (in German only, e.g. Deutsch, Englisch. or Französisch) to limit results to a specific language.
Tips to search field: Language
Combination: Link search fields with:
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